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Navigating imposter syndrome in marketing

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This article originates from a presentation at the Revenue Marketing Summit in London, 2022. Catch up on this presentation, and others, using our OnDemand service. For more exclusive content, visit your membership dashboard.

I'm Tom Livingstone, Head of Marketing at Talentful, and I want to share a personal story about imposter syndrome in the marketing industry.

It's a feeling that I shouldn't be here, constantly fearing that I'll be exposed as a fraud and lose my job. If this sounds familiar to you, you're not alone.

In fact, studies show that seven in 10 people experience imposter syndrome and my suspicion is that the numbers might be even higher in the marketing field.

Let's delve into the reasons behind this phenomenon by covering:

  • My personal journey with fighting imposter syndrome
  • Unveiling the roots of imposter syndrome
  • Empowering strategies to cultivate confidence
  • Tactical tips to overcome imposter syndrome

Fighting imposter syndrome: My personal journey

Kate Stanners, a prominent figure at Saatchi, describes imposter syndrome as that sickening feeling of being on the verge of being found out. This sensation often arises when we're entrusted with new responsibilities, leaving us questioning our abilities and wondering what we can possibly bring to the table.

So, why do I feel like I shouldn't be here? Let me provide a bit of background about myself. Over the course of my career, I've had the privilege of working at some reputable companies.

I started as a content writer and interned at Secret London, a media site that now boasts 1.6 million Facebook followers. Back when I joined, it had none. I had the freedom to write about whatever I pleased, and it was an incredibly enjoyable experience.

After that, I moved on to Badoo, the parent company of Bumble (which now effectively serves as the parent company of Badoo). During my time there, I held the position of UK Brand Lead.

Currently, I'm the Head of Marketing at Talentful. I joined the company when it was a UK startup, and we've since grown into a global scale-up operating in the UK, US, and Canada — truly a global reach.

Given my professional journey, one might assume I have every right to be here. However, imposter syndrome still affects me deeply. It's a topic that holds immense personal significance, and I wish someone had shared some of these insights with me earlier in my career. It could have saved me from a lot of unnecessary stress.

I hope that by sharing my story, I can offer guidance to those who are early in their careers and struggling with similar challenges. And perhaps, even managers and leaders can find a few valuable takeaways to support their teams.

Unveiling the roots of imposter syndrome in marketing

A quick Google search confirms the prevalence of imposter syndrome within the marketing field. Countless articles on the topic pop up. So, why is imposter syndrome so common in marketing? Here's my perspective.

Firstly, marketing is a broad domain that encompasses various disciplines, many of which rely heavily on soft skills that are challenging to measure.

Furthermore, much of our work is subjective in nature. Even if we can quantify certain aspects, differences in opinion can make it difficult to gauge our performance accurately.

One recurring feedback I've received throughout my career is, "You're too nice." It seems that marketers often face pressure to toughen up and be more assertive.

However, I believe that marketers are generally a kind-hearted bunch. This expectation of toughness can be encountered at some point along the way.

Another factor contributing to imposter syndrome in marketing is the lack of clear qualifications for our profession. Since marketing heavily relies on soft skills, traditional vocational qualifications may not always align with our field.

Many of us stumbled into marketing without specifically studying it, which can lead to doubts about our qualifications and expertise.

Additionally, marketing itself can seem like an abstract concept, making it challenging to pinpoint our true passions within the field. It's easy to lose sight of what initially drove us and where we want our careers to go.

The more we delve into the complexities and diverse facets of marketing, the easier it becomes to feel overwhelmed and uncertain about our direction.

Let me share a personal anecdote. A few years ago, while working on the Badoo marketing team, we were tasked with relaunching the Badoo brand with a new identity. During this time, my co-marketing manager and I had a session with Whitney Wolfe Herd, the founder of Bumble, to discuss our ideas and seek advice.

Well, Whitney tore apart all of our concepts, leaving us feeling utterly lost. However, in hindsight, her feedback was valuable and constructive.

Yet, on that day, I couldn't help but question my competence. It's a feeling that I'm sure many of us can relate to — moments of uncertainty and self-doubt.

Imposter syndrome is a common challenge that marketers face, but it's crucial to remember that we're not alone. By recognizing and discussing these feelings, we can support one another and navigate through them.

Empowering strategies to cultivate confidence

To counteract imposter syndrome, the key is to cultivate confidence in yourself. It's an ongoing journey that I'm still navigating, but I'm making progress day by day.

Let me share some strategies that have helped me build confidence and combat the effects of imposter syndrome over the years.

Written by:

Tom Livingstone

Tom Livingstone

Head Of Marketing at Talentful

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Navigating imposter syndrome in marketing