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14 min read

How to leverage data to fuel marketing creativity

Data and analytics

Harnessing the power of data to fuel creativity in marketing is both challenging and rewarding. 

In this article, I'll explore how data can inform and enhance creative efforts, the nuances of balancing brand and demand generation, and the evolving role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the creative process.  I'll share insights into building effective marketing teams, leveraging data for continuous improvement, and how to stay ahead of the game. 

Prefer to listen? Check out  Keith’s appearance on the Let’s Talk Revenue Marketing podcast 👇


Using data to inform creativity

Creativity often begins with dreaming big and embracing a wide range of possibilities. While data is frequently viewed as a constraint on creativity – perceived as rigid and inflexible – it can actually be a powerful catalyst for creative efforts.

At its core, data is about identifying indicators, patterns, trends, and markers that serve as a jumping-off point. For any marketing campaign or activity, using data as the foundation enhances creativity by providing confidence in the chosen direction.

Data allows us to confidently explore creative avenues that we might otherwise overlook. If data reveals that a particular customer profile responds well to handwritten letters and high-end dining experiences, we can leverage this insight creatively. 

Even though handwritten letters and Michelin-starred dinners might not seem traditionally creative, they guide us in crafting targeted, effective campaigns. On the other end of the spectrum, we might explore augmented reality or other cutting-edge technologies. 

The beauty of marketing lies in the vast array of possibilities, and data helps us navigate this, pointing us toward the most promising paths.

Day-to-day data usage in marketing

In my daily work, I rely on a variety of data to enhance Panaseer's marketing efforts and ensure we're as effective as possible. 

One fundamental aspect is understanding website traffic

For example, knowing which page attracts the most visitors is crucial. This insight allows us to focus our optimization efforts on that page, implementing advanced conversion rate optimization (CRO) techniques. 

This could involve tweaking the call-to-action (CTA) buttons, adjusting the text length, creating a punchy 30-second intro video, adding audio branding, or refining the live chat pop-up's functionality and messaging. All these decisions stem from the simple yet powerful data point of page visits.

On a broader scale, we utilize data on application usage and engagement within specific systems. This includes behavioral, technographic, and past behavior triggers. 

By tying these elements together, we can pinpoint where our audience is, how they behave, and what they want. This knowledge helps us optimize the combination of creativity, content, and messaging to enhance engagement and conversion rates.

Creativity, fueled by data, can manifest in various forms. It could be through striking graphics, bold and irreverent headlines, or unique strategies like sending quirky gifts in prospecting emails – a tactic sales development representatives (SDRs) used a few years ago to capture attention. 

These creative measures, informed by data, are what keep me passionate about marketing. Without the creative aspect, I might have gravitated toward operations or sales. However, the opportunity for creative expression, those human touches that resonate with our audience, is something that AI still has a long way to perfect. 

It's about empathizing with and understanding the persona we're trying to reach and then crafting the best way to connect with them.

How to build data-literate creative marketing teams

Building a team that’s both data-literate and highly creative is challenging yet rewarding. The common perception is that creative individuals may not be as data-savvy, while data experts might lack creativity. 

To bridge this gap, I follow three core rules for my teams: Be brave, let data guide you, and don’t be boring.

  1. Be brave: Courage is essential in marketing. Without taking risks, we miss out on opportunities for impactful creativity.
  2. Let data guide you: Data should always inform our decisions. It provides a foundation that allows us to be confident in our creative direction.
  3. Don’t be boring: If a piece of content feels dull to us, it’ll likely be uninteresting to our audience as well. It's crucial to avoid sending out uninspired material, especially to senior security decision-makers who are already inundated with information.

As B2B marketers in the cybersecurity field, we often need to step into the shoes of our audience, becoming, in part, cybersecurity professionals ourselves. 

If we find our content dry, it’s unlikely to resonate with our audience. We should always strive to make our communications engaging and relevant. This approach prevents us from creating content just for the sake of it, ensuring each piece serves a purpose and connects with its intended audience.

Recognizing that we send an enormous volume of emails daily – potentially billions – we must ensure our contributions stand out. This means avoiding the trap of sending content we already perceive as lackluster. 

Even in the cybersecurity space, where content can sometimes lean toward the dry side, we can make incremental improvements to infuse creativity and human touch.

Creativity exists on a spectrum. It can be as subtle as rephrasing a subject line to make it more definitive, or as bold as crafting an email with minimal text and a striking graphic. 

The key is to ensure that all team members, regardless of their primary skill set, embrace the ethos of bravery, creativity, and empathy for our busy audience.

Balancing creativity and data on the website

In website design, there's often a significant battleground between pure creative vision and data-driven optimization. Creative professionals tend to view the website as a piece of art, investing emotionally in its aesthetic appeal and overall look and feel. 

Meanwhile, data-driven marketers focus on conversion rates, aiming to tweak the site to enhance its effectiveness. Finding the balance between these competing priorities can be challenging.

We've all been in those meetings where the creatives fear their work will be butchered by the "scientists" focused on metrics, and the data folks wonder about the point of beautiful work if it doesn't drive clicks. 

As a mediator, it's about finding the right approach for each situation. For example, the homepage must be the perfect mix of CRO and visual appeal. This high-priority page needs to showcase the brand while also ensuring that the traffic it attracts is valuable to the business.

As you move deeper into the site, there's more room for creative expression. Some pages might prioritize functionality over style, while others, like a demo request page, need to be directly tied to revenue generation. Here, functionality must take precedence, but it shouldn't entirely overshadow creativity. 

Remember, it's a human who fills out the form, not a statistic. A balance between form and function can ensure that users feel engaged and valued, mitigating the inevitable sales process that follows.

As a leader, it's essential to make judgment calls that respect both creativity and data. This balance will vary depending on the solution, product, industry, and specific circumstances. 

The goal is to create a website that not only attracts and converts visitors but also represents the brand authentically and engagingly. This approach requires a nuanced understanding and a willingness to navigate the tension between these two essential elements of modern marketing.

What is a North Star metric in marketing?
North Star metrics are specifically designed to measure the marketing value that drives growth. These metrics are often leading indicators, providing insights that can shape your marketing strategy.

Balancing brand and demand generation

One of the core tensions in marketing is between data-driven revenue marketers, who have clear metrics on what converts leads into sales, and the creative teams focused on brand, which is much harder to quantify. 

Brand equity is inherently soft and difficult to measure, yet it's undeniably crucial as we interact with brands daily and understand their value intuitively.

Investment in brand and its importance often only become evident after it's removed. In companies where budget cuts are necessary, the first things to go are often the "soft" brand initiatives, while demand generation, with its clear pipeline metrics, remains. This approach can be particularly short-sighted, especially in startups, where building a recognizable and trustworthy brand over time is vital.

In my experience with startups, the importance of brand awareness and equity can overshadow demand generation. However, the reality of a PE or VC-backed startup often means that immediate pipeline results are prioritized. 

The key is to have leadership that understands the significance of balancing both aspects. I've seen organizations cut back on brand investment, favoring immediate, tangible returns, only to experience a significant drop-off in the following months.

Without continuous investment in brand equity, you may face a gap in your marketing effectiveness. The work put into brand awareness sustains demand generation efforts over time, but when you cut back, this support diminishes. 

As a result, there's a delayed impact – a deficit period before you can rebuild that brand equity. It's not a smart long-term strategy.

The true value of brand investment is often only measurable in its absence. When the brand work stops, the negative effects become apparent, and by then, rectifying the situation is much more challenging and costly. Therefore, understanding and valuing the soft metrics of brand alongside the hard metrics of demand generation is vital for sustainable marketing success.

Marketing strategies differ significantly between startups and large public companies, particularly when it comes to brand positioning and tone. 

Startups can often afford to be more provocative and irreverent in their approach, whereas larger, publicly listed companies must tread more carefully to avoid missteps that can have disproportionately magnified consequences.

Today, even a small misstep can quickly snowball into a major issue. Larger organizations understand the intrinsic value of their brand and protect it fiercely. They have extensive guidelines and "logo cops" to ensure brand integrity because their brand has a significant dollar value attached to it. For these companies, maintaining a consistent and safe brand image is paramount, making it harder to take risks.

On the other hand, startups and smaller companies must find ways to stand out. Competing head-to-head with industry giants like IBM, who can outspend and outshine smaller competitors in terms of brand awareness and equity, is impractical. The old adage "Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM" underscores the challenge smaller brands face when trying to compete on the same playing field.

To succeed, smaller brands must be "the mouse that roars." They need to be small but loud, finding unique and creative ways to cut through the noise without being rude or disruptive in a negative sense. They can be contrarian, bold, and opinionated, but they must always maintain a sense of professionalism and respect. This approach allows them to create engagement and establish a distinct identity that differentiates them from the giants of the industry.

For smaller brands, the challenge is to find ways to circumvent the dominance of larger competitors. This often involves innovative marketing strategies that leverage their agility and ability to take risks. When smaller companies are being brave and creative, they can carve out a niche for themselves and build a loyal following, even in the shadow of industry titans.

The power of data-driven creativity in leading companies

Working in both startups and large enterprises has given me a broad perspective on how different companies approach marketing. Smaller companies, the "mice that roar," compete effectively by being nimble and taking calculated risks. 

In contrast, larger companies are often more conservative, protecting their brand at all costs. However, some companies have mastered the art of using data to drive their creative processes, creating a feedback loop that continuously improves their marketing efforts.

Examples of data-driven creativity

Companies like Netflix and Amazon exemplify this approach. They leverage vast amounts of data – user behavior, location, language, time of engagement, and more – to tailor their offerings precisely to their customers' needs. 

This continuous feedback loop of data collection and analysis informs their creative processes, leading to highly personalized and effective marketing strategies.

Netflix uses data to recommend content, push notifications, and optimize the user experience, constantly refining their approach based on real-time feedback. Amazon, with its ubiquitous presence, relies on behavioral data, click patterns, and linger times to personalize the shopping experience. 

These platforms use data not just to inform their creative decisions but to drive them, ensuring that every piece of content and every interaction is as relevant as possible.

The evolution of personalization

Personalization has come a long way. Twenty years ago, it was merely about adding a name to an email. Then, we moved to personalized URLs, which were static and not truly personalized. 

Today, with the advent of AI and advanced marketing technologies, personalization involves factoring in numerous data points to tailor each user's experience dynamically. This form of creativity – deciding which message stream to send based on user actions and preferences – is rooted in data and drives more sophisticated and effective marketing campaigns.

Baking data into the creative process

In my own work, data is the foundation of everything we do. We should never be afraid to experiment, even if it leads to failure. As long as our decisions are based on data, we can learn from our mistakes and refine our strategies. 

When something doesn't work, the data helps us identify whether the issue lies in the creative execution, the messaging, or the targeting. This allows us to make informed adjustments and continue improving.

The key to successful marketing lies in blending creativity with data. Companies that excel in this area, like Netflix and Amazon, use data to inform their creative processes continuously, creating a virtuous cycle of improvement. When you embrace this approach, you can ensure that your marketing efforts are both innovative and impactful.

How to avoid common messaging and positioning mistakes
Messaging and positioning are two of the most important parts of developing a product marketing strategy. Yet, it’s easy to make mistakes that could easily be avoided. In this article, we’ll be exploring how to optimize your messaging and positioning techniques.

Netflix: A case study in data-driven provocative content

Netflix stands out as a prime example of a large company effectively treading the line between being data-driven and provocative in their content production. 

Unlike many other large companies, Netflix uses its vast reservoir of user data not just to inform but to drive its creative process, resulting in a diverse range of content that often pushes boundaries.

Netflix’s ability to balance data with creativity is evident in their content variety. They gather extensive data on viewing habits, clicks, and engagement, and use this to create content that not only meets current demands but also anticipates future trends. This forward-thinking approach allows them to produce content that resonates with audiences when it’s released, even if it takes years to develop.

A perfect example is the documentary "The Last Dance," featuring Michael Jordan. This documentary garnered a massive and diverse audience, extending far beyond just sports fans. The success of "The Last Dance" likely informed Netflix's decision to greenlight similar projects like documentaries on David Beckham, Sylvester Stallone, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. These documentaries were probably in development but were expedited due to the positive reception of "The Last Dance."

Netflix’s content often includes provocative themes, tackling issues like big pharma, the tobacco industry, and political views. This willingness to address controversial topics sets them apart from other streaming services like Apple TV+ and Amazon Prime, which tend to play it safer. 

Netflix's approach allows them to offer a wider array of content that can cater to diverse tastes and preferences.

The real magic lies in how Netflix uses user data to tailor content delivery. They likely use complex algorithms and behavioral profiling to determine which users receive certain types of content. 

For example, politically-charged content might be selectively served to users whose viewing history suggests they would be receptive to such themes. This level of personalization ensures that provocative content reaches the right audience without alienating others.

The strategic use of data enables Netflix to push creative boundaries while maintaining viewer engagement. Their success highlights the potential for companies to leverage data not just for operational efficiencies but also for creative innovation. 

For those of us in the marketing field, Netflix's model is a reminder of the power of combining data insights with bold, creative decisions. This approach can lead to groundbreaking content that captivates audiences and drives the industry forward.

The role of AI in the creative process

It's impossible to ignore the impact of AI. As someone managing marketing for a startup, I've been exploring how AI can inform and enhance our creative decisions. From my experience, while AI has immense potential, it still requires human oversight to be truly effective.

Currently, there's no AI I’d trust to operate completely autonomously. AI can set you off on a logical and rational path for tasks like copywriting, campaign creation, slide deck creation, or generating user videos.

However, it still needs human oversight. We're far from having AI systems that can function entirely independently in a way that we can trust, especially when it comes to creative tasks.

In the performance marketing world – think PPC, CRO, and performance growth – people make decisions based on trends, data, and behavior. Yet, even with all the data, things don't always work out as expected. 

For instance, changing a single word in an ad campaign might inexplicably drop engagement by 33%. This kind of outcome underscores the complexity of human behavior and the limitations of AI in predicting it accurately. 

Humans aren’t always rational or logical, and our decisions can be influenced by countless subtle factors, including something as trivial as what we had for breakfast.

AI can react to data, but it can't predict human behavior with the same nuance that a person can. That said, AI has significant utility in generating imagery and copy, particularly for smaller organizations like mine. 

It can handle a lot of the heavy lifting, breaking the back of the work, but it can't replace the human touch. There's an element of creativity, empathy, and understanding that AI simply can't replicate.

Looking ahead, I believe we'll see more adoption of AI in areas where it can function like a "robotic arm" – performing specific, finite tasks with precision. This kind of AI application will become more prevalent over the next three to five years, especially in marketing. 

For now, though, the best approach is to use AI as a tool that complements human creativity, rather than replacing it.

AI has a place in the creative process, but its role is to support and enhance human efforts, not to replace them. By combining the strengths of both AI and human creativity, we can achieve more effective and innovative marketing outcomes.

How to use AI to increase lead generation
Many of the latest and greatest marketing tools are incorporating AI in some way. In this article, we’re going to dig into the what, why, and how AI can improve your lead generating and nurturing.

Final thoughts

Striking the perfect balance between data and creativity in marketing is no easy feat. It requires a deep understanding of both worlds. 

On one hand, you have the hard numbers, the metrics, the cold, hard facts that drive decision-making. On the other, you have the spark of creativity; the unbridled imagination that breathes life into campaigns and connects with audiences on an emotional level.

The key, as we've explored, lies in embracing the strengths of both. Data provides the foundation, the blueprint that guides our creative endeavors. It helps us identify trends, understand our audiences, and make informed decisions. 

But let's not forget that at the end of the day, we're marketing to humans, not robots.

A little about the author

I'm Keith Povey, Director of Revenue Marketing at Panaseer, a dynamic hyper-growth company in the cybersecurity space. With over two decades of experience in the tech industry, I've navigated the delicate balance between data-driven strategies and creative innovation. 

Written by:

Keith Povey

Keith Povey

Keith Povey is the Director of Revenue Marketing at Panaseer.

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How to leverage data to fuel marketing creativity