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Marketing attribution: Streamlining every customer touchpoint

Marketing attribution

Your marketing efforts can make or break a business. When it comes to understanding the overall impact of those marketing efforts, clarity is key. 

Marketers across every industry and sector are striving to uncover which marketing strategies drive customers through their doors and which might just be a costly route with no positive impact. 

That’s where marketing attribution steps in. When you can properly attribute your wins directly to marketing, you shine a light on the very value that every piece of advertising brings, whether it’s an email, a social media post, or paid ad.

It’s about giving credit where credit is due, ensuring that no interaction along the customer's journey goes unnoticed. In essence, marketing attribution isn’t just a tool; it’s a storyteller, revealing the narrative of how each engagement leads to a sale. 

Let's delve into how marketing attribution can streamline every touchpoint you have with your customers and transform the way you view your marketing strategy.

How to set revenue-focused marketing KPIs using multi-touch attribution
In this article, we explore a framework that utilizes a custom-weighted (40:20:40) multi-touch attribution model to align marketing teams and executives with easy-to-understand revenue-focused KPIs.

What is marketing attribution?

Before we dig deeper into streamlining processes, let's get to the heart of marketing attribution. Simply put, marketing attribution is a reporting strategy that determines which marketing tactics are contributing to sales or conversions. 

Imagine running a relay race where you hand off the baton to the next runner. In the world of marketing, attribution is the process of handing off credit to the right touchpoints in the race to win customers.

The idea behind attribution is to figure out which channels and/or which messaging prompted someone to take the desired next step in the buying process. That way, you can use this data to inform future marketing campaigns so you’re always taking positive steps forward. 

Why marketing attribution is critical

You wouldn’t throw darts in the dark and hope to hit the bullseye, would you? Marketing attribution lights up the board so you know where your efforts are landing. 

It tells you what's working and what's not, helping you make informed decisions about where to invest your marketing dollars. When you know what’s bringing you the best ROI, you can use that information to make new initiatives and changes to your marketing strategy. 

Aligning your strategies

So, how do you utilize marketing attribution to the fullest? You must know the strategies to navigate the marketing process and grab the customer's attention. 

Mapping the customer journey

Although the road to purchase is different for each and every consumer, there are consistent patterns and similarities. You can gain insights into the many touchpoints that impact the decision-making process by mapping out these customer journeys.

However, this map is more than simply a flowchart; rather, it provides a step-by-step guide to properly communicating with your audience.

Enhancing capabilities with expert partnerships

When it comes to analyzing and acting upon the data from various customer touch points, it may require a level of software sophistication that goes beyond the standard marketing tools. 

This is where a partnership with a nearshore software development company comes into play. You can use their expertise in creating custom software solutions for your business. 

This will help you track more accurately, analyze, and respond to customer interactions, ensuring that your marketing attribution is as precise and effective as possible.

Identifying key touchpoints

From social media interactions to email campaigns, identifying where your customers are most engaged is crucial. These key touchpoints are the stepping stones that will guide your marketing attribution strategy. 

It’s like identifying the watering holes in a safari, the spots where you’re most likely to find your audience.

The role of omnichannel marketing

Omnichannel marketing is the equivalent of being the host of a party that mingles with every guest. You’re present, engaging, and responsive on every channel, ensuring a seamless experience for the customer. 

Whether they’re shopping online, on mobile, or in a brick-and-mortar store, the experience should feel cohesive across all channels. This means providing them with the same products and pricing regardless of how they’re making a purchase, so the customers know what to expect from your brand.

Marketing attribution is flawed
Focusing too much effort on marketing attribution may actually be hurting you more than it is helping. Here are the top four reasons why.

Leveraging attribution models

There are different attribution models available to choose from. You can make your choice based on your needs and requirements. 

Single-touch vs. multi-touch attribution

Single-touch attribution is like an old-school flip phone; it does the job, but you’re missing out on a lot of features. 

Multi-touch attribution, on the other hand, is the smartphone of attribution models. It recognizes that a customer’s journey isn’t a single step but a series of interactions across different channels and platforms.

Selecting the right attribution model is similar to choosing the right pair of glasses. You want a lens that brings your customers into focus. Whether it’s first-click, last-click, linear, or time-decay, the goal is to find the model that best aligns with your business objectives and customer behavior.

But remember that marketing isn't a set-it-and-forget-it effort. It requires constant tweaking and adjusting. By regularly revisiting and refining your attribution model, you can ensure that it evolves along with changes in customer behavior and market dynamics.

Final thoughts

Every customer interaction holds value. Marketing attribution is about recognizing that value, learning from it, and using it to guide your marketing efforts. By streamlining every customer touchpoint, you're not just following a map; you're drawing it. You're creating a route that's efficient, effective, and, most importantly, customer-centric. 

As you step forward with these insights and strategies, remember that the landscape is always changing. Keep your eyes open and use the power of marketing attribution to illuminate the path ahead.

Psst... now's your chance to influence the most important conversations in revenue marketing

How do leading marketers drive growth? What channels attract and convert customers? Where should budgets be allocated? What metrics matter most?

Our groundbreaking 2024 Customer Acquisition and Marketing Attribution Survey will reveal the inner workings of today's state-of-the-art revenue engines. And you can help uncover the key insights.

The insights gained will be invaluable for staying ahead of rapid changes in 2024.

This is your exclusive opportunity to shed light on:

  • Current marketing attribution models and challenges
  • The evolving customer journey to purchase
  • How teams track and optimize funnel performance
  • Emerging strategies to connect with modern buyers
  • Key focus areas for growth in 2024

… And a whole lot more. 

Take the survey, and at the end, receive a comprehensive Customer Journey framework slide deck to help you and your team acquire more customers with less stress! 👇

2024 Customer Acquisition and Marketing Attribution Survey 

Written by:

Erika Cruz

Erika Cruz

Erika Cruz is a content writer. With her expertise in crafting compelling copy and engaging content, Erika helps clients build their brands and connect with their target audience.

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Marketing attribution: Streamlining every customer touchpoint