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Revenue Marketing Revealed | Building a plan for the things you know, the things you don’t know and the things that change

Revenue Marketing Revealed

Wednesday March 8

3:00pm BST | 7:00am PT | 10:00am EST

On Wednesday, March 1 we'll be joined by Keith Povey, Director of Revenue Marketing at Panaseer.

Whether bottoms-up or top-down, building a plan will have a mix of data-based assertions, experienced based estimates and good old fashioned guesses in it.

We, as growth marketers, are charged with building a plan that will generate growth at a rate set by the business, in segments pre-agreed and playing to the resources, budgets, agencies and experience at your disposal.

But what are the realities of that? What are the challenges when you are asked to do or want to do something new? Or when budget is increased or a tactic is failing?

Suddenly that goliath of an excel spreadsheet that you spent weeks on needs to flex and that can be very challenging in a number of ways.

About the speaker

Keith Povey is an experienced marketer with a chequered past…

Chequered in the sense that that he has worked in a mix of the agency world for 6-7 years and also on the client side for 13 years – having the chance to work for and with the likes of IBM, Verizon, Sony, Optiv, Feefo, Cisco and SAP.

Leveraging experiences on both sides of the fence, whilst being a ‘data-led creative’, has allowed him to enjoy many of the IT industry’s various alphabet soup of disciplines; IOT, Cyber, UCC, telcos, channel, servers and storage, SaaS, LOL and WTF...

He has successfully led demand gen, content, digital, creative and performance teams regionally and globally across the IT space in his 20-year career and is currently the Director of Revenue Marketing for the scale-up Panaseer, charged with building sustainable hypergrowth pipeline in cybersecurity.

Written by:

Millie McCaughrean

Millie McCaughrean

Community Manager for the Revenue Marketing Alliance

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Revenue Marketing Revealed | Building a plan for the things you know, the things you don’t know and the things that change