Members-only Team alignment The what, how, and why of sales enablement Sales enablement is a strategy that encompasses coaching, training, content, technology, processes, and activities to support and empower sales reps to move sales opportunities forward through knowledge-based interactions with prospects....
Members-only Lead generation What is lead scoring and how can it help you identify high-value leads? While prospecting is inherently a difficult part of the sales process, there are ways to increase your success rate. One of those ways is to incorporate a lead scoring system into your prospecting process....
Members-only Lead generation What is a sales methodology? With economic uncertainty growing, ensuring that your sales teams are as effective and consistent as possible throughout the sales cycle needs to be a priority. Your chosen methodology can be a key part of this process....
Members-only Revenue marketing Bridging the gap between your revenue-generating teams At SEC's Chief Revenue Officer Summit in September 2021, industry leaders from around the world shared their knowledge. One of the top talks of the week was a panel discussion all about communication gaps between revenue-generating teams....
Members-only B2B marketing Building a company culture that drives revenue growth September 2021 was marked by SEC's insight-driven Chief Revenue Officer Summits. One of our favorite talks was about building a company culture that drives revenue growth....